Swisscelin - Revolutionary Swiss Cell Therapy to Halt Ageing.

I am back to my usual try and tested mode where I try out new products in the market and review them. Today, let's talk about Swisscelin. The first time I came across this product was when I was invited to a Hi-Tea event in Carcosa Sri Negara. It was a lovely event with beautiful setting. The principal from Hong Kong had come down for a soft launch of the product and a beautiful explanation was given by the guest Dr. speaker. Unfortunately, I was running late from my clinic appointment thus I missed out the whole talk. Such a pity.
Luckily, the marketing principle was there and she ran through with me regarding the product and the scientific evidence behind it. I'm not usually the type of person who listen much to marketing sales talks but what caught my interest was that this is perhaps the first supplement that I came across which includes the TAE or telomerase activating enzyme which was discovered in 2008 and the study published in the Journal of Lancet Oncology naming the enzyme TA-65. They won a nobel prize in 2009 and since then more and more studies have been conducted on supplementing this enzymes and its benefits and possible disbenefits. It brings a whole new ball game to the placenta cum stem cell supplementation as this enzyme has been proven to keep the DNA telomere elongated. One of the most accepted cause of ageing is when the cells fail to divide again and this has been seen related to the telomere shortening.
So of course, I was super excited when I read the ingredients. I just had to try the product for myself and see how it fairs. I stopped all supplements and medications during this experiment. There were 30 capsules per box and I religiously took a capsule a day first thing in the morning when I wake up. The capsule is quite big compared to other supplements, but because of the shape and softness, it was easy to swallow. There was a bit of a fishy smell but it was okay. I did not get any indigestion or acid reflux consuming on an empty stomach, but this is entirely on the individual. You can also take the supplement after your breakfast, although for the best absorption I would prefer eating it on an empty stomach.

So how did I fair? Day 1 to 3 was nothing much to shout about except that I had more energy in the morning compared to before. I was having fatigue issues waking up and I was blaming it on my late nights. I also realized that my sleep was deeper eventhough I slept around 5 hours a day. After the 1st week, I noticed my skin changing. It appeared softer and smoother. I also have more energy and was able to wake up fresh every morning. The pigmentation on my face improved, and I did not develop as much post inflammatory hyperpigmentation of my scars compared to previously. Sleep was great. I have enough sleep despite less hours. I even noticed an increase performance when I run every week. In terms of weight, there was no weight gain. Other things like heatiness, not as bad as taking sheep or deer placenta. I looked a lot healthier. In fact after 2 weeks, I did PRP for my face and the results was so much better than before. There was a marked reduction in pigmentation and skin glowed better. During this time, I stopped all other supplements or injections just to see how it goes. I also noticed that I do not have to take coffee first thing in the morning. I am able to delay my coffee till afternoon. I also noticed my mood swings to be less erratic and I was a lot calmer, although there was an increase of libido. But I didn't really go crazy about it. In terms of menses, I did have a early cycle that month, which lasted a little bit longer but otherwise I did not have the usual period cramps , or PMS symptoms I usually do. Even my migraine seem to have taken a holiday. After the 2nd strip I decided to try every other day. I took a capsule every other day to see if the results I obtained reversed since I've only been on it for 20 days. To my greatest pleasure, it didn't and I continued until I finished the last 10 capsules. After I finished the box, I decided to rest for awhile to see how long the effects would wear off. I only started to feel fatigued again after 10 days of completely stopping the supplement.
According to the Company's recommendation, they recommend 2 capsules daily for adults above the age of 40 for 2 months and then monthly until at least another 4 months and it will give the body enough supplement to repair itself. For younger people 1 capsule a day is sufficient unless you want to expedite the skin results. However, this supplement is not cheap and maybe realistically to maintain such expensive regime is not feasible.

Saying so, if cost was not the issue, personally I would be on this supplement for long term since I do beleive it does help to delay a bit of the ageing process the body undergoes. A friend of mine was on the supplement for 5 months and when I did her hair profiler epigenetics screening, she did not show any signs of amino acid depletion or severe aging. And she was 12 years older than me with 3 life births. She looked as fresh and beautiful as ever even without any make up on. Can't wait to start again.
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