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October is Pink Month

I think most of us would agree that this year is indeed a very fast year for most of us. Its already October. OMG, when did that happen? With the current political and economical issues surrounding our country, it has been a pretty tough year for a lot of us, including myself.

After closing down the Starhill Clinic (Faceworks Clinic) in March 2014, I decided to take a break from my crazy hectic practice that demanded 12 hours daily 7 days a week with only 1 day holiday for important days like New Year or Eid. Yes, having a clinic in a mall is challenging and needed a lot of patience and perseverance. So in a way, I was welcoming the 2 year break I decided to take to rediscover myself.

It was a well worth time taken off. Despite the obstacles and the hurdles, it taught me a lot about how my life use to be and how the now choices I make have totally changed it. I felt that I have morphed from my cocoon of that shy girl who had an idea of what she wanted, to a full bloom woman who commands what she wants. Although I lost a few friends along the way, but I made new better ones, whom I admire and adore so much that when I grow up I want to be just like them. These are women who drive their own industries, whilst giving back to the society and inspiring others to become better people without any insecurities of jealousy or negative competition. I feel so blessed that I am surrounded by these titans (Yes, I am taking notes on their steps towards success). One of the tips of being successful yourself, is to surround yourself with people who have the success that you desire, and it will motivate you to work harder.

And my patients, whom I feel so blessed to manage and care for, kept me going, even when I felt like my life was so bleak. The trust and loyalty they have for me is so heart felt that although at one point I felt like having a complete career change (I have many talents than being a good doctor), I could never abandon their needs. My patients need me, and more patients would benefit from my skill and talents in not just medical aesthetics but also consulting on lifestyle modifications, and other anti-ageing therapies that are the in thing nowadays.

After pondering for months, I've decided to announce my return from semi-retirement. Yes, people, I'm back and I am working on my new project that will benefit my patients and my readers. I'm working on my new site, which will have multiple blog topics, not just on medical aesthetics but also focusing on lifestyle and nutrition, with some stories for motivation related to some of my past experiences and others whom I've met along the way. The whole idea is to inspire others, the way others have inspired me. How fast will it come on live...? Depends on how good I am at handling wordpress (Or if I get the intern i requested asap). I would just like to request to all my patients and friends, to help Like my clinic page on Facebook (, follow me on Instagram ( @dr.marr), and if you are happy with my service and my care to tell 5 friends about me and get them to Like my social medias. If you are not happy, please let me know so that I can improve myself and the clinic.

October is Pink month. It is breast cancer awareness month. Despite all the awareness campaigns, it is still the leading cause of deaths due to cancer for a woman. Latest studies have shown Vitamin D can help reduce risk for cancer. So perhaps its time to spend more time in the sun to gain this benefit, or you can just supplement daily. If you are out in the sun, don't forget to wear good sunblock with UVA and UVB protection. Unsure of a good one? Buzz us, and we can recommend the ones we carry which are clinical sunblock products.

Have a good week ahead peeps, the October parties are just starting.


For more information and appointments, do contact us at or contact us at 0129660852.

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