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3 Strands of Hair is All You Need..... Hair Profiler

It is so amazing what technologies can do for us today. I came across this technology a year ago when I was doing a training at my friend's centre for thread lifts. It was a semi-invasive procedure where the patient usually needed to be sedated at least to reduce pain. This was when I met the wonderful Dr Radha who introduced me to this new technology from Germany. A hair profiler using Tesla technology that can help scan the hair and read out the information contained in the hair root.

Initially I was skeptic, but when he explained about how it was done I was excited. In the past, the hair has been used to collect information on people with chronic exposures to certain environment conditions, toxic metals and also it was already used to detect mineral deficiency. And here is a small device that is hooked to a computer and has the capability to do the same in a few minutes. The best part, the analyzed sample is then sent immediately to a server in Germany, and thus you will receive your information in 15-20 minutes.

It took us almost a year to understand the true potential of this device. There was a lot of clinical correlation that had to be used to understand what was going on with the patient. Yes, just by reading the results chart we may be able to understand the deficiencies mention and what to avoid, but sometimes the solution is not just to supplement and avoid, but a more sinister problem that needs further investigations and a few other lifestyle adjustments. You see, the question wasn't about what deficiency you have and what to take, but rather, why were you having this deficiency in the first place? Was it due to nutrition intake, or was it due to a poor absorbing bowel also termed leaky gut, or are your other systems having a pathological disease (or going towards having) that is exhausting your stores? Because of all these questions, continous doctor training was implemented to teach the doctors how to interpret the results more accurately and save lives.

For the patient, it actually gives you more information than doing a blood test. With just 3 strands of hair, we can see nutrient deficiencies for the past 3-6 months, exposures to toxic metals, radiation exposures and also other information that you will not pick up from a blood test. A blood test only gives you the now reading, except for the very few like HBA1c that shows a 3 months picture. To do a blood test for every parameter tested it would cost you a few thousand ringgit, but to do this test its only a few hundred. The main value of doing this test is to get a doctor who is able to intepret and correlate clinically based on the results given, lest it will just be another deficiency avoidance supplementation.

So instead of having to swallow so many different types of vitamins and supplements, at least you know what you really need for your body. The report also comes with some dietary advices that encourages you to take real food instead of pills.

You also get a PDF version of the report that you can read through and understand with some suggestions of dietary changes to make to supplement the deficient nutrients. This is how my report looks like :

Pretty cool huh? It simple, non-invasive and easy. And now I know what type of food or supplements I need to optimize myself.

Interested to try? Don't hesitate to contact us at or whatapps to 0123301585. See you soon.


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